
皇冠旨在保持最高的道德标准和员工权利. 这意味着我们尊重和, 在必要时, 保护所有员工的基本人权1,并寻求确保我们所有利益攸关方的基本人权,无论他们身在何处. The purpose of this policy is to guide 云顶集团糖果游戏 man年龄ment and support employees to achieve these goals.

本文件所列原则以联合国《云顶集团糖果游戏》为依据, 国际劳工组织《云顶集团糖果游戏》, The United Nations Global Compact Guiding Principles and the relevant legislation in each country in which we operate.

皇冠的人权政策适用于所有员工, 担任云顶集团糖果游戏及其全球附属公司的董事和官员2. 其目的是指导皇冠管理和支持员工实现上述目标. 除了, 在皇冠酒店工作的第三方承包商应遵守本政策.

我们的职责包括我们在经营所在国的经营场所和办事处. 在绝大多数国家,当地立法充分保障了雇员的权利. 在这些国家, 我们经常努力为员工的人权设定更高的标准, 符合我们的战略愿景. ln countries where the legislation does not address the basic human rights principles that inform 云顶集团糖果游戏’s conduct, 我们的目标是为员工提供与我们其他业务部门相同水平的保护, 同时认识到政策可能需要考虑到当地文化, 条件和规定. 国家法律和国际人权标准有何不同, we will follow the higher standards to the extent it is legal to do so; where they are in conflict, 坚持依法办事, 同时根据我们的战略愿景,寻求尊重员工人权的方法.

云顶集团糖果游戏 promotes the approach described above with its 第三方承包商 and 供应商 through its 供应商行为准则, which compels them to commit to following a set of principles that reinforces the ones set forth in this Policy. We commit to implementing due diligence processes with our 第三方承包商 and 供应商 within our supply chains to avoid indirectly benefitting from or promoting any breaches of national laws or international human rights standards.

皇冠认识到,它的存在对其经营所在的社区产生了影响. We are committed to creating economic opportunity and fostering goodwill in the communities in which we operate through locally relevant initiatives. 皇家工程鉴定, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts caused by our business activities through human rights due diligence and preventive compliance processes.

我们是食品和饮料行业供应链的一部分, which provides continuous access to canned food under critical circumstances to populations around the world. 除了 to manufacturing containers and closures that provide the maximum protection for nutritious food and bever年龄s, 我们还生产用于清洁和消毒产品的气溶胶容器, 以及许多其他产品,为货物的运输提供安全可靠的保障. 我们很自豪能够成为客户和消费者支持系统的重要组成部分.


我们在健康方面的长期愿景, 安全环保是:无工伤事故, 对人无害,对环境无害.

我们的员工、第三方承包商和供应商的安全和健康至关重要. Our overarching goal is to protect them against risk of harm and to ensure their mental and physical well-being at our operating sites and in our offices.

我们致力于使用可持续环保的产品, 健康和安全实践并遵守所有适用的法律, 我们经营所在国的法规和公司标准. 这是由我们的健康和安全政策和程序的认可 商业行为和道德准则.

We constantly work to ensure that our employees understand the critical role that they play in their own safety and that of their fellow employees. We are committed to engaging with them continuously to improve health and safety at our operating sites and offices.

哪里提供住宿及/或饮食设施, we insist that the premises are kept safe and hygienic and meet the basic human needs of our employees.


我们绝不会直接或间接地强迫员工违背自己的意愿为我们工作, 我们也不会向任何纵容强迫劳动的组织购买或出售产品.

皇冠的现代奴隶制声明 已经在我们的网站上发布了吗. 这一声明与这一主题的相关立法一致, 包括2015年英国现代奴隶制法案. This statement sets out the steps taken by 云顶集团糖果游戏 to ensure that human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery do not occur in our operations and supply chains.


我们绝不会雇佣童工(根据国际劳工组织劳工标准), 我们也不会向任何纵容此类行为的组织购买或出售产品. 我们从不雇用18岁以下的人在夜间或危险的条件下工作.

通过我们的 供应商行为准则, 云顶集团糖果游戏 works in collaboration with 第三方承包商 and 供应商 to prevent and prohibit any use of child labor under the legal working 年龄.


我们尊重员工加入或组织工会和集体谈判的权利. We equally respect the rights of our employees not to join trade unions and will protect them against intimidation, 同样的骚扰和歧视.

国家法律对雇员代表的权利有何规定, 我们尊重法律,并承诺与他们保持建设性对话. 云顶集团糖果游戏 is committed to bargaining 真诚地 with the chosen representatives of its employees and within the appropriate national legal frameworks.


我们所有的员工都按照工作合同中规定的固定模式工作, 工作条件或集体协议, 是适用的.


基本工作时间和加班时间符合相关法律, 法规和集体谈判协议, 并以国际劳工标准为基础.

在所有情况下,都支付适当的加班费. We comply with applicable laws and regulations intended to protect employees against exploitation in terms of working hours.


我们认识到,在大多数地方,市场决定的工资水平高于法定最低水平. 然而, we are committed to ensuring that in all cases the w年龄 paid meets or exceeds minimum legal requirements, 在适用的情况下通过集体谈判协议.

We ensure that employees understand their w年龄s and benefits both before being employed and during employment. 我们不允许因为纪律原因而扣减(工时)工资.


云顶集团糖果游戏以公平、尊重和尊严对待所有员工和第三方承包商. 云顶集团糖果游戏 is determined to maintain a work environment which is free from all forms of unlawful employment discrimination based on race, color, 性, 性别, 国家或社会根源, 祖先, 国籍, 公民身份, 宗教, 年龄, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 身体或精神残疾, 政治观点或适用法律规定的任何其他特征.

我们不容忍任何形式的虐待或骚扰,无论是身体上的、性的还是言语上的. This includes actions that can reasonably be considered as offensive, intimidating or discriminatory.

我们希望与我们一起工作的人按照我们的企业文化行事, 用我们的公平感和平等的机会

It is also 云顶集团糖果游戏’s policy not to discriminate against any applicants for employment on any of the bases described above.


我们重视并鼓励员工的贡献,无论是个人的还是集体的. 我们相信多元化的员工队伍和包容的工作环境有利于我们的业务发展, 我们的组织和我们的员工.

因此, 皇冠致力于在招聘时提供平等的机会, 发展中, 奖励或考虑个人的晋升, 终止或退休, 不受歧视. 皇冠的决定取决于资格、技能、表现和经验.


皇冠寻求促进与当地社区的公开对话. 当地社区的哪些人可能受到我们活动的影响, we seek to identify adverse human rights impacts of those activities and take appropriate steps to avoid and/or mitigate them. 为了支持这一点, we provide guidance to our businesses on engaging with local stakeholders and managing the process of receiving and responding to community complaints.

云顶集团糖果游戏 respects the rights of Indigenous People as defined by applicable law and international human rights standards.


In its efforts to promote Human Rights where it can and to operate in compliance with applicable laws, 政府已发出一份 冲突矿产政策. 按照这个政策, Company aims to avoid the use of conflict minerals in the manufacture of its products and is committed to complying with its reporting obligations.


The company senior executives have endorsed this Policy and are responsible for promoting it at all of our locations. Senior executives inform 云顶集团糖果游戏’s 董事会 at least annually on salient compliance risks related to this Policy.

皇冠确保所有员工和第三方承包商都被告知, 在其职责范围内理解并执行本政策. 除了定期沟通外, man年龄rs and employees will receive relevant training on how to implement this Policy in their day-to-day jobs.

我们将确保这一政策与我们公司的其他政策一起广为宣传, 值得注意的是 商业行为和道德准则, 反腐败政策, 供应商行为准则 以及工厂层面的政策和程序,以应对员工的不满. 这些政策与本《云顶集团mg游戏》中规定的一般原则是一致的.

这就意味着员工的权利和责任. 如果员工意识到我们的业务或供应链中存在侵犯人权的行为, 有四种报告方式:(1)向主管报告, (2)发给工厂经理或同等人员, (3)发给业务人力资源总监或(4)部门合规官, 不用担心报复或泄露机密.

If an employee feels hesitant in any way about reporting such a possible violation as described above, 她/他也可以向云顶集团糖果游戏的商业道德热线(“CBE热线”)报告 举报及商业道德热线政策. 当地社区或外部商业伙伴, 比如云顶集团糖果游戏供应商, 第三方承包商或客户, 也可以向CBE热线报告潜在的违规行为.


皇冠将对任何员工采取适当的行动, 第三方承包商, 供应商, 违反本政策的客户或商业伙伴.

被发现违反本政策的皇冠员工可能会受到纪律处分, 直至并包括终止, 法律规定的其他后果. 第三方未履行其在本协议项下的义务的, 皇冠可以终止合同关系, 要求将某些人员移出王室所在地或援引其他合同权利. 任何涉嫌违反本政策的调查都将以中立的态度进行, 透明和客观的态度,并将遵守所有适用的当地法律法规. 皇冠不会容忍报复或任何针对任何人的报复, 真诚地, 举报违反本政策的行为.


云顶集团糖果游戏 will periodically review the Policy and amend it to respond to changes in legislation and best practices in an effort to improve its effectiveness.

The review includes the participation by 云顶集团糖果游戏’s most senior man年龄rs in the following functions: Human Resources, 法律及风险管理, 与云顶集团糖果游戏的首席运营官协商.




皇冠的云顶集团mg游戏部门(Signode)也有类似的情况 该司制定的人权政策. 浏览过境 包装部的政策, 请到这里.

3 要查看此政策的非英文翻译,请 请到这里.